How many books do you need to sell for it to be considered successful? πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’»

I’ve been asked this before, and I think the definition of success would be quite different for every author. For some authors, writing a book is perhaps simply a lifelong dream. For others, it’s the start of a new career and for some it’s maintaining and continuing an established writing career. πŸ† πŸ™ŒπŸ»

At the end of the day, many would agree that measuring a book’s success is by the number of copies sold. So this brings us back to the question in hand – how many books is that? πŸ“šπŸ“š

Getting published and achieving success is no easy task, and things such as genre, author credibility and previous publications would all play a part. So for a first-time author like myself, I would be very surprised if I even got out of the hundreds. (I hope I do for my publishers however!) In contrast, I would assume that a well-established author would be aiming for hundreds of thousands!πŸ’°πŸ’°

According to online sources, a general rule of thumb in the publishing industry is that a book should sell more than 5,000 copies for it to be deemed successful and make an average wage. For first time authors this would seem a very tall order! But there are things that can help, such as marketing, publicity, social media and reviews. A book that has been well promoted will reach a wider audience and have a better chance of increased sales, but advertising is expensive, so for a first-time author it can be a catch 22 situation. I think most people would agree that a book with a substantial number of good reviews is much more likely to sell well, compared to a book with few reviews and therefore limited recognition. βœπŸ»πŸ“–

In conclusion, I have no idea how successful my book will turn out to be, and I will simply wait patiently, and be grateful for whatever happens! ☺️ πŸ“•

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